Shaving, its effects and all you need to know

I decided to write about shaving today because of a lot of negative effects I have seen on some people. It is really uncomfortable mostly the razor bumps, ( for our fine guys). It distorts our efforts to look beautiful/ handsome. Shaving is the removal of hair from areas of the body, with the use of a razor, shaving cream, shaving gel, electric trimmer etc. Shaving is both practiced by men to remove their facial hair and by women to remove hairs from their leg and, stomach, under arm. I won't go into the history of shaving,how it started and how its equipments/tools have evolved and improved through the years. I am talking about this because of the issues that people encounter during and after shaving. There are different types of shaving methods but I will briefly discus on two major types. 1. Wet shaving; safety's razor Straight razor 2. Dry shaving; b...