
Showing posts with the label education and health education

maternal mortality ; the new cancer in African countries

Hello Family its been ages, guess who is back to your space?   I am so excited to get back to what I love doing and one of them is writing. I trust you all are settling into the the new year and government as well? Now back to our topic..... I am excited to write about the topic and I want to join the government, and other health organizations and bodies in creating more awareness.  Maternal mortality which simply means death of ante partum and post partum women ( pregnant women and women that just delivered) is one of the leading causes of death. There are several other causes of death in mostly developing countries but this has contributed to more deaths from my observation as a health worker.  During pregnancy, a women is expected to visit a registered and certified health facility with certified staff for proper care and follow up care prior to and after delivery. I wont blame some women because they may not know the difference but you are expected to ask and know the...

Hanta Virus: all you need to know

Just when we are tackling COVID-19 a new one has emerged from China. it is called Hantavirus. It is a rare but deadly disease caused by a virus and can cause varied syndromes in people worlwide like hantavirus pulmonary syndrome(HPS) . It is spread by mice and rats. They shed the virus in their urine, droppings and saliva. Sources have it that a man has been tested positive of this virus. So its important that we have an idea of what it is. Mode of spread It is spread in particles of rodent urine,feaces,saliva, airbone particles containing excretions    Sings and symptoms progresses as the virus spreads throughout the body which include; Abdominal pains Nausea and vomitting Diarrhea Head ache Chills Dizziness Fever Fatigue Muscle aches Cough Chest pain Lung congestion Shortness of breath Fluid accumulation in the lungs Shortness of breath Renal failure Risk Factors * Rodents infestation * Rodents saliva * Rodents u...

Dementia: continued

Good Evening Everyone How was your weekend? We have been trying to put a lot in order that is why this post is coming now but we solicit that you keep following us for more updates. We spoke extensively on the disease dementia,what some scholars think is the cause, and some of the symptoms. I hope you were convinced that it is not a psychotic disorder but a degenarative disease   Here are more of the symptoms: Problems with misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps: People suffering from Dementia have the tendency to misplace things and put them in unusual places,they may take things that look like theirs which makes people think they steal or makes them accused of stealing and always forget things and also find it difficult in retracing steps mostly as the disease progresses. Decreased sense of judgement:   Some individuals suffering from this disease may experience changes in judgment or decision making. Here is an example, they ma...

DEMENTIA: The latest thief!

I attended a seminar / workshop on Dementia organized by the AFFIONG FOUNDATION FOR INCLUSIVE HEALTH, spearheaded by Professor Uduak Archibong. I learnt a lot so i thought it wise to share it on the blog today. Hope you all had a beautiful weekend? Dementia can be said to be a syndrome i.e not a single disease that covers a wide range of  disorders such as deterioration in cognitive function beyond what might be said to be expected to normal,decline in memory, language, problem solving,visual perception, self management, the ability to function and pay attention,the ability to control emotions and other thinking skills that affects a person's skills to perform everyday activities. Types of Dementia The main type of this disease include: - Alzhemier's disease (most common) - Frontotemporal disorders -  Lewy Body dementia Other types of progressive brain disorders include; - Vascular contributions to congnitive impairment -  Mixed dementia,a com...

Baby Blues; Not A Regular Song Or Blues

Postpartum period is a very sensitive period,associated with intense physical and emotional changes leading to anxiety and mood disorders. These disorders are in three degrees; postpartum blues, postpartum depression,postpartum psychosis. Postpartum blues otherwise known as "baby blues" are comparatively milder in nature and last for no longer than 1-3 days. It is not a  character flaw or weakness Postpartum blues also known as baby blues or maternity blues, is a very common but self-limited condition that begins shortly after birth and can present with variety of symptoms such as mood changes, tearing at any slight situation,irritability. Signs And Symptoms   These signs and symptoms may vary but the few I have noticed are; Tearfulness Questioning of one's ability to care for baby Loss of appetite Difficulty in making decisions Mood swings Anxiety Sadness Irritability Feeling overwhelmed Crying Reduced Concentration Appetite Prob...

Coronavirus alert!!!!!

Coronavirus is common and has a cause It is a virus that causes infection of the nose,sinuses or upper throat. Most coronaviruses are not dangerous. Mode of spread It spreads even without signs and symptoms in the infected. It spreads via droplets through: Coughing and sneezing by infected persons.  Having physical contacts with infected persons. Touching things such as door knobs,surfaces that have been touched by infected persons. Symptoms Runny nose Coughing Sorethroat Fever Prevention . Report any suspected case for proper isolation and treatment.  Wash your hands thoroughly Use a hand sanitizer mostly when you are  in public. Keep your hands and finger away from your nose, eyes and mouth. Avoid close contact with infected person  Drink plenty fluid Rest well. Some kind of mild medication  used for sore throat may be taken. 

Heammorrhoid(pile): its causes and medical management

Pile which is medically referred to as heamorriod are vascular structures on the anal canal that that serve as cushions that help with stool control. They become problematic when they are inflamed or swollen. Causes: The main cause is unknown. Risk factors: Constipation Diarrhoea Cough (coughing severely) Pregnancy (laxation of muscles,and pressure from the fetus) Sitting too long in the loo (toilet) Straining while stooling Obesity Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction Types:  There are two main types 1) Internal heamorriod 2) External heamorriod  Internal heamorriod : the swelling is painless,bleeding from the rectum iß bright red which can be seen on the stool and on tissue paper. Classificationon internal heamorriod Grade 1: no  prolapse, just prominent blood vessels  Grade 2: prolapse is present upon bearing down but there is spontaneous reduction  Grade 3: prolapse upon bearing down but requires manual reduction...

Magic root for fertility

It is found in Peru, South America. It has the following benefits. 1. Its boost libido in both male and female. 2. It increases sperm quality and quantity in men. 3. It helps to relieve symptoms of menopause like hot flushes, sleep problems, dryness of vagina,irritability, mood swings etc. 4. It is highly nutritious. It contains healthy carbs and vitamins. 5. It improves mood. It contains a chemical compound called flavounoids which reduces anxiety and depression. 6. It boost energy and agility in athletes. It helps to improve exercise performance, helps in gain of muscle, increases strength. 7. It has a property that helps to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays of the sun. 8. Its helps to boost the brains capacity and improves memory. 9. It may help to reduce abnormal prostrate size in men. Most men are prone to have benign prostatic hyperplasia which poses a lot of health issues. Precaution: • Don't take it raw, it should be boi...

Have you heard of eclampsia?

Eclampsia one of the major causes of maternal mortality. Eclampsia is a hypertensive disorder in pregnancy. Its a severe form of preclampsia characterized by onset of grandmal seizures and or unexplained coma, protenuria,high blood pressure. It usually occurs after 20 weeks of gestation. Briefly before I proceed let's look at pre-eclampsia. It is a disorder of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, protenuria and organ or multi organ failure. Here are some symptoms that may be felt before onset of convulsions. Long lasting (persistent) head ache  Blurred vision  Protenuria Abdominal pains (ethier at the epigastric region of the abdomen or right upper quadrant) Altered mental status Others include; Nausea Vomiting  Cortical blindness Shortness of breath Diminished urine out put Risk factors Primid gravida ( first pregnancy) Women with high blood pressure before pregnancy Pre- existing vascular diseases like dia...

Maternal death; a cause for concern

I was in a hospital somewhere in Africa for some days and the rate of maternal/obstetric emergency was alarming, not due to the hospital's negligence but due to clients negligence! I felt so sad and I got the inspiration to write about this topic. Every single day approximately 830 women die from causes related to child birth, and these can be highly prevented. In a very brief definition, maternal death is a death of a woman pregnant or within 42days of termination of pregnancy due to medical or any cause. Cause of maternal death could be direct or indirect. Direct causes  • Post partum hemorrhage Placenta previa Obstructed labour  Eclampsia Complications of labour Sepsis Unsafe abortion Indirect causes Anaemia Malaria Eclampsia and hypertension related cases Heart diseases Infections Ectopic pregnancies Embolism Unsafe abortion Anaesthetic complications Also there are 3 delays that may be responsible for maternal d...