Hmmmmmm, I have seen a lot of this problem, that's why I decided to write on it. This is one of the reasons most of us have kept some of our clothes in our closets for a long time. Most of these stains are so stubborn that no matter the kind of washing / cleansing agent used, it remains the way it is..... It prevents most of us from lifting up our hands in public, it makes us more conscious and not free. It could be so embarrassing and frustrating but I have a solution! Here is it, - shave often, with the shaving instrument and kit that suites your hair and skin texture. - use a natural body scrub often ( use lemon around that area after scrubbing, allow it to dry, before you rinse with warm water. - use good deodorants. ( use deodorants, allow it to dry before you put on your clothes. Don't use deodorants after you have worn your clothes, it may stain that area too) Use panty liners on your armpits ( use it while walking or working or doing anything that c...