Happy Sunday lovely people....

Hope you had a wonderful fellowship with God not just going to church.

I wanted to talk about depression because I have seen  it's eating up a lot of people and most times they not bold enough to talk about it, so we don't even know or care .....

But a post on face book has prompted me to change and talk about infertility...

Infertility occurs when a couple, who have been together for more then one year is unable to have a child despite repeated or regular unprotected sexual intercourse.


•There are two main types, primary and secondary infertility.

•Primary infertility is said to occur when a  couple has not had any offspring despite attempts.

•Secondary infertility occurs when a couple had one or two offsprings but desires more but all attempts and efforts have failed.


There are so may causes but I am going divide it into male and female causes

•In males,

-Defective spermatogenesis.
-Systemic disorders like diabetes mellitus,renal diseases.
-Defective transportation of spermatozoa,
-Disorders of sperm motility( asthenospermia).
-Presence of infections.
-Size and location of of utheral meatus and prostrate.
 -Psychological issues.

•In females,

-Gynaecological problems with the uterus, ovaries( anovulation or inconsistent ovulation), fallopian tubes( patency of fallopian tubes).
-Endocrine disorders.
- Medical conditions like diabetes. -Reproductive system infection e.g pid. Older female age.
-Known uterine fibriods.
-Social/psychological problems.


This should be done by a trained physician.
 Just go to a gynecologist so that
- your history will be taken.
- physical examination will be done
- urinalysis.
- screening for sexually transmitted diseases.

 But most times there are specific tests that can be done for both males and females

For males;
- seminal analysis
-assessment of genitalia to check for the size and location of urethal meatus, prostate. Torsion of the testis  will be assessed too, presence varicocele will be checked, congenital absence of bilateral absence of VA's deference.
- chromosomal abnormalities maybe assessed e.g klinefelter's syndrome
- hormonal assay

For females;
- investigations include.
• laparoscopy
• hormonal assay
• papanicolaou smear
• ovarian reserve testing
• hysterosalpingiography
• cervical mucus factors.

There are more test but you can't do them on your own. I only took pains to list so that when you come across it, it won't look or sound strange.

These test must be done by a specialist after taking proper history.

At the end of the sessions with a physician drugs may be prescribed.

But psychological support is important too. And you have to believe and adhere.
Please stop running from pillar to post, most times you worsen the  whole situation.
Anxiety may even prevent pregnancy

 Please share and tell your friends to log into this blog, you don't know who may need this..............


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