Have you been unable to identify real human hair? I have some test that can help you!

Good morning great people!

 How's your week going?

This topic I am about to share on has affected me too! Yes o. That's why I want to share so that many women out there can learn.

We all know that a real human hair is expensive therefore it hurts to realize you just  got a fake one with the same amount!

We have to make sure we get the real deal for our money.....

I have some few test here that can help us but its preferable to go for purchase on your own, so that you can be sure of what your buying.

If the owner of the shop or mall does not allow you to freely get the hair, view it properly before you make your choice then that is a red flag!

Try these simple test and let's hear of the result!

Here they are:

1. Colour test: This is the first test you must carry out, on your own ( I mean, don't announce it to the seller, they'll try to convince you to sell their stuff). A real human hair acquires a lot of highlights and tones of colour when it is exposed to natural light. A synthetic hair does not.

2. Texture test: a real human hair is naturally soft, light and has scales like your natural hair. Try to rub the hair strands up and down. As you rub downwards,you would observe that  a real human hair human will feel free to touch but upwards it will have some resistance. But a fake or synthetic hair is smooth either way.....

3. Burn test: This test may be done when you have purchased because most sellers do not want you to do this in front of  them and other prospective buyers..... But if your smart to do it, then you deserve some chocolates! Get some strands of the hair, and place over an open flame and observe. A real human hair will burn gradually and give an odour like a burning meat or hair but a fake human hair will burn and smell like a burning rubber or acylic and will produce a black smoke when the flames is put off.

4. Bleach test: This test is done when you don't want to do the other test. Just  seize the opportunity to know whether the hair is real or fake. Take a few strands of the hair and bleach with a colour of your choice and observe. If the hair bleaches fast and blends, then it is real. A fake hair will burn, and some times a fake hair will not even bleach.

I want to hear from you too..... What others ways do you know on how to identify fake or real hair. Feel free to share, I want to learn more!

Also, if you have questions, feel free to ask.


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