Do you want to look beautiful without makeup?

Makeup makeup makeup!

This makeup of a thing has made ladies believe that you can't look beautiful without makeup.

So many ladies have been so used to it that they can't step out or run errands without makeup on their faces.

But thanks to some great female celebrities that have proved that women can still look good without makeup. You can see some pictures of of them leading their normal lives, running  errands without makeup on their faces.

You look attractive with makeup but it is very very important to realize your natural beauty,accept and appreciate that you look gorgeous without makeup.

When a human's aesthetic need is  met, he/she is confident and in other to look confident and amazing without makeup, you should take good care of your skin both internally and externally.

Here are some few ways to take care of your skin

1. Exfoliate your skin often
2. Wash your face carefully
3. Use natural skin care products
4. Make your eyebrows look good
5. Get enough sleep and follow a healthy diet
6. Don't touch you face
7. Use sun screen
8. Eat food and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals
9. Drink plenty of water.

I listed earlier but let me write briefly on each subtopic.

1. Exfoliation is the removal of dead cells from your skin's surface. Exfoliation should be done with a good, organic facial scrub. It is a very important part of every beauty routine. Exfoliate often, at least once or twice a week.

2. Wash your face carefully with warm water or water at room temperature. This is one of the ways to prevent the appearance of pimples, acne and other skin imperfections. Wash with a good facial cleanser, not less than twice a day and see your skin glow and look flawless.

3. Use natural skin care products preferably organic materials. Inorganic materials look good, and most times maybe expensive but the use of them may result in irritation and wrinkles. It is better to use natural alternatives. For example replace mascara with Vaseline to protect your fragile eyelashes and replace lipstick with coconut oil.

4. Make your eyebrows look good by shaping them properly ( remove excess) not scrapping.  This is one of the greatest secrets to look good without makeup. If you can't do it well on your own you can go to a beauty saloon to get it done. You should have and maintain a beautician. A proverb says ' too many cooks spoil the food' ........

5. Sleep is so important when it comes to beauty. Every one that wants to look younger each day should sleep not less than 7 hours a day.

6. Don't touch your face with your hands. We touch a lot with our hands and so many bacteria rest in our hands. So when you use same hands to touch your face, the growth of bacteria is encouraged. So we should stop that habit today if we want a glowing skin. Wash your hands before you touch your face.

7. Use sun screen to protect your skin from bad rays of the sun. Use sun screen with 50 SPF every time you walk in the sun if you want your skin to glow and remain beautiful.

8. Eat foods and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. This helps to bring out young cells that will help the skin glow. Fruits should be part of your life style.

9. Drink water often. Water acts as a detoxifier. You should drink up to 12 glasses of water daily. It cleanses your system from inside and helps your skin glow!

There are numerous tips but I decided to share this few.

 You can also share on the comment box below. We are also waiting to learn more from you. So comment now!


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