maternal mortality ; the new cancer in African countries

Hello Family its been ages, guess who is back to your space? I am so excited to get back to what I love doing and one of them is writing. I trust you all are settling into the the new year and government as well? Now back to our topic..... I am excited to write about the topic and I want to join the government, and other health organizations and bodies in creating more awareness. Maternal mortality which simply means death of ante partum and post partum women ( pregnant women and women that just delivered) is one of the leading causes of death. There are several other causes of death in mostly developing countries but this has contributed to more deaths from my observation as a health worker. During pregnancy, a women is expected to visit a registered and certified health facility with certified staff for proper care and follow up care prior to and after delivery. I wont blame some women because they may not know the difference but you are expected to ask and know the...