What is Easter?

It is a most important festival celebrated by the church. Easter also called

"Pascha" (Greek) or Resurrection Sunday is a festival and holiday

commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Jesus Christ being our

father in creation gave his only begotten son which is him self manifesting in

flesh and seen among humans to blot away our sins without asking us for a

price. The bible said while we were yet sinners, Christ died  for our sins. His

death brings about total healing, salvation, freedom, prosperity and the privilege
 of son-ship: having the opportunity to become a direct share holder, partner,

ambassador of the kingdom.

It should not just be a festival as usual or a mere celebration but a time of sober


Christ gave us his spirit of which he said will be the comforter, that will teach us

all things including his holy ways according to the scriptures. And this comforter

will not dwell in an unholy temple. So this brings us to the plan of salvation;

1. Repentance: it is the complete turning away from your sins. No matter how

grievous your sins are, it can be forgiven. . The holy scriptures tells us that 

though your sins be like scarlet he'll wash them white as snow, though they be 

like crimson they will be as clean as wool. Its all about a simple but genuine

decision. You need to be emptied of all those heaviness, thoughts, sorrows that

comes with an unrepentant lifestyle.

2. Baptism: this is a point of the cleansing that is vital. Here an individual

having understood the meaning of repentance and baptism is taken to the

water and deeped, immersed for soul cleansing.It means that you have

been buried with Christ. As this also symbolizes that your sins has been burried

too! Complete immersion is what symbolizes that your sins has been buried. If

the baptism is done in any other way, then it is not complete.

3. The infilling of the holy spirit:  can also be called the baptism of the Holy

spirit. It is the spirit of God living inside a man, it is evidenced by speaking in

other heavenly tongues as the spirit of God enables. After ascension, GOD

returned to his original state, and now dwells in us! This is what Jesus

talked about when he said he will send a comforter and he fulfilled it to his

disciples in the upper room  and He is still doing it now.  This spirit is needed in a

believer's life. It indeed teaches you how to live in this troubled world. And it is

re-filled by praying and studying God's word daily. It is on this that a believer is

set to sale on this eternal journey.

Reflect on this during this period. Am sure it was helpful.

Enjoy your celebrations.......


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