First wedding of the year! Mimi & Tici....

First wedding of the year.

Let me start by saying a big congratulations to this couple.

Yes! This wedding took place on the first day of 2020.

I didn't want to hear gist only so I attended by my self.

It was so lovely. I saw a lot of love, understanding and maturity between them.....

And I got to see how the Igbos celebrate weddings.

After the wedding I spoke with the bride who is my secondary school classmate and here is what she had to say.....

Me : Asa, Ose (that's have Hubby's name for her), you're so cute.. God bless your home.

Bride: thanks (with a huge smile.)

Me: so... How did you meet your husband?

Bride : (smiles)..... We met at a reality TV show in Lagos (starzz reality show) that lasted from February to March early last year.
It wasn't love @ first sight... No no it wasn't,  of all the house mates it took me days to even greet him.

Me: wow....... I love that! I'll go for that show too! ( it seems it happening there)
So what gave you the conviction that he is the one?

Bride: hmmmmm..... Hmmmmm.... When you meet somebody, you have to check for compatibility like you have to know how compatible you are, the person's traits, need to know what turns him on and off, you need to know person's past and present emmmmmm..... Also have to know the person's character, also have to know who this person really is as per his way of life. You have to know if he is the kind of person that pretends,that lies and you have to check your self if your some body that like a guy that lies and pretends or who is not transparent. So you have to check all those things.  Basically its something,like you have to know if the person is a kind of person you can deal with. Its also based on what you want. If you want a long term relationship like some thing you want to lead to marriage,it may not be long any way, don't mind my long term,if its a relationship you want to nurture into marriage,you have to know if this person is somebody you can be with for the rest of your life and also you have to pray. You don't start praying when you meet that person,I have always been praying about my own life partner right from when I was 14years, so I have always been praying about the kind of person I want God to give me emmmm.... or I wanted him to bring my way. Emmmm.... I have always been talking about the kids,praying my own kids that I have not yet had yet o,like I was just speaking things into existence, so when I met him it was now prayers for confirmation. And how do you pray for confirmation? You won't start asking God is this the one? You know, because if you've prayed all along and this person is the one, all you're asking for is if he is the one let me have a peace of mind or let me have my peace or just for signs. You know little by little signs here and there. So when you have done that and you're satisfied like your inner mind is satisfied,it feels there is an amount of peace, then that's how you know he is the one. Okay,and yes it is not always be rosy but what happens when its not rosy, that's what you have to like how are you going to cope with this person when  its not rosy any more. OK so that's that. See this person, that's the person I'll spend the rest of my life with no matter what. If you have that assurance within yourself, and the peace of mind and then you shed the doubts,you don't have any doubts about this person,then I can see you're ready to go.

Me: what's your advice to those that are yet to marry...

Bride; hmmmmmmmm......... Everything now that I answered earlier is applicable here. I am going to add few things. First do not rush  take your time and do not conform to anything you cannot handle, if you know ah! See I cannot handle this guy, its not working, you have tried and its not working, please step away because in marriage you're gonna face more than that, what happens next? So if I can't deal with it from the onset, you noticed ah! See o! Its not me o! Leave me o! Let me walk away when its still early, OK. And then you don't have to kiss many frogs before you settle down,(you don't have to be in a relationship with so many people before you meet the right one for you). I only dated one person before I met my husband. You need to know what works for you. Find the person you can work with as a partner, as a spouse, as a friend most importantly as a friend and somebody who is responsible,somebody who is going to be a responsible husband and father. So you have to check that all these things are in place and also if you have any doubts but you really love this person and you want to make things work out, you really have to shed those doubts. I find it had to trust but am getting there with prayers and my husband is also working hard making have a level of trust. So its OK, you must not trust @ the first time no no no... If you're having a had time trusting like me just take your time OK. If he trust you and he's teaching you how to trust him you just have to let go of the mistrust or whatever makes you not to trust him. Then also before you start looking for the best man to marry you must work on your self as a lady. Ask your self am I the right woman,OK. That's the first thing, yes, am I the right woman for this guy coming my way? And if you have a realization that you need to work on your self, then give your self sometime and work on your self,when you're ready you can go into a relationship because Even in marriage  it's a gradual process but you have to make it work. So you have to be ready first,be that partner he can be proud to call his wide before looking for somebody to call your husband.

Me: thanks wifey. You've done noble but one more thing. What's your forever word to your hubby?

Bride: the first love letter we exchanged not love letter sticker pad, (there is this sticker pad or note,don't know what they call it but it has different colours of papers that you can just take off and stick). So on that paper, we wrote "together we can,tomorrow will be better, better days ahead". So my forever word to my husband is together we can, tomorrow will be better, better days ahead.....

Me : thanks a lot. You have done noble.

Bride: I hope this  helps....

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