More about nurse Etoro Bassey "Queen Belnie"

Its her birthday!!!! Distance wasn't a barrier.
I had to get her to leave her busy schedule to write.
I love sharing stories like this to boost up your ego,you maybe going through same thing.
This may inspire you!......

I'm Queen Etoro Bassey though being called Queen Belnie excites my nerves😃 and I'm 23 today.
I'm firstly a nurse, then a creative lead, writer, actor, public speaker and lover. I'm one of the few balanced personalities around, being nerdy & extroverted is an example.

There's so much chaos that young people need to be cautious of and it all begins with choices.
I like to always remind them to consider future repercussions before making decisions, also, wake up everyday with the burning desire to make legitimate money, seek counsel and finally, friends can make and mar you, apply wisdom in all your dealings, choose those who choose you and don't be afraid to stand up to disloyal friends (loyalty is rare, appreciate it).

One of the many hurdles I constantly face is envy, people trying to bring me down but now I look before I leap. Another is the daily efforts to strike a balance between fulfilling my dreams and the means to fulfill them, on that, I constantly seek counsel from mentors who are doing it satisfactorily.

My everyday driving force to stay top of my game originates from 'pride', well! Don't look at me like that, I'm referring to self pride, I have God and so many people I dare not disappoint, hence, I got to work even harder.

I'm passionate about happiness, yes, everything I do is geared towards being happy or relieving others of sadness, hence, my interest in Nursing, counselling, relationship coaching and charity.

I love to be photographed, adventurous and to amuse people with my not so good dance steps.

If you want to be heard why not write to me via email-
More news coming your way!
Bye for now


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