Infertility is some thing that is also on the increase in the society. Most times the females are accused,mostly in this part of the world. But the males are involved too. Let's learn more about it.

One is said to be infertile if there is inability for a couple to achieve conception after 12 months of unprotected coitus. It can also be defined as 'not being pregnant despite having carefully timed unprotected coitus for one year'.


 There are mainly two types which  are;

•Primary infertility: in this type,the  woman has no history of conception  at all after being exposed to  unprotected sex without use of  contraceptives or any other means of  family planning. This means that she  is physically and psychologically  prepared for conception but it has  failed.

•Secondary fertility: is said to have  occurred when there is history of of  inability to conceive after having one  or two kids. This means that the  woman desires to have more babies,  has been exposed to unprotected  coitus but there is no  conception,without using any form  of family planning.



 • The first factor or cause is unknown
 • Infrequent ovulation and ovulation  disorders.
• Presence of untreated or poorly  treated pelvic infections STDs ( sexually transmitted diseases)
• Advanced maternal age
• Known edometrial polyps or uterine fibroids
• Known male factor (semen abnormalities)
• Tubal occlusion
• Uterine fibroids.
• Endometriosis
•  Alcohol
•  Stress
•  Poor diet
•  Smoking tobacco or marijuana

• Brown spotting before mentruation
• Painful and heavy periods
• Chronic pelvic pain
• Irregular menstruation /spotting
• Bowel discomfort or bloating
• Back pain
 • Fatigue
• Severe acne
• Unexplained weight gain
 • Facial hair in females
 • premature menopause
• Erectile dysfunction
• Difficulty in ejaculation
• Nipple discharge
• Changes in the testicles
• Nausea
• Poor gut health
• Cold feet and hands
• Chronic yeast infection,bacterial vaginosis, undiagnosed chlamydia.


•Education;educating intending parents on the normal process of fertility,problems that affect fertility and treatment options, can help them over come fertility issue. Its the first and most important step.

•Medications; after series of laboratory investigations and proper history taking,some medications could be prescribed to stimulate egg production and aid fertility. (This most be done by a gynaecologist.
Treatment continued.

•Intrauterine insemination: this is a process where by sperm cells are placed into the uterine cavity therefore by passing the cervix and bringing higher concentration of motile sperms closer to the tubes and ovulated egg. (This is done using a fine catheter, and done by a skilled professional).

•In vitro fertilization (IVF): in this procedure,eggs are collected and then fertilized by a sperm outside the body in an embryology laboratory. Fertilization takes place. When the fertilization takes place, the embryo is transfered directly into the uterus.

•Third party reproduction;

* Sperm donations; its a process by which a voluntary donor donates sperms used for insemination in the uterus where the male is unable to produce sperm due to one reason or the other.

* Egg or ovum donation; here an egg donor undergoes an IVF cycle in order to obtain her eggs which or then donated and fertilized. The resulting embryos are then transferred into the uterus of the future mother known as the recipient.

* Embryo donation; a process by which a fully developed embryo from another person in combination with donor's sperm or couple who underwent IVF are donated to another woman the future mother for transfer into her uterus.

* Gestational surrogacy; a process where another woman will undergo an embryo transfer and carry the pregnancy for another person.

* Surgery; this maybe done to correct an abnormality if any.


My advise
-Eat foods rich in Vitamin B6
- Learn to track your menstrual cycle
- Treat all infections properly and on time.
- Ensure quality rest
- Exercise daily too.
- Don't be under any pressure.
-  Ensure you visit a gynaecologist not a traditional birth attendant,because the do not have scientific rationale for each action the carry out on client,they still believe on methods passed down from their fathers.

Your health is more important........
Please recommend......
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Thanks ............



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