
Good morning everyone!
Its so good to be back!
Missed you guys a lot!
How are you doing?
What's happening ?

Today,I want to talk about a topic that has always been on my mind; depression.
 It's really rampant in the society and it's barely noticeable,because the most individuals suffering from depression move around in our society with so much life,but when they retire home they go back to their depressive mood. And this makes it difficult to help them.


Its a major depressive disorder ....... Yes!
Its a common but serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel,the way you think,and how you act.
It's a mental disorder that is characterized by persistently depressed mood,loss of Interest in activities, causing significant impairment in one's daily life.


The symptoms vary in children, teenagers and adults.

In children symptoms may present as
• Irritability
• Worry
• Clinging to people a lot
• Aches and pains
• Being underweight
• Refusing to go to school

In teenagers symptoms may include
• Irritability
• Feeling negative
• Anger
• Extremely sensitive
• Use of recreational drugs or alcohol
• Feeling misunderstood
 • Eating or sleeping too much
• low self esteem
• loss of interest in normal activities
• Avoidance of social interaction
• Poor performance and attendance  
 at school

In adults symptoms may present as psychological, physical or medical.

- Physical/Psychological symptoms
• Feeling sad
• Depressive mood
• Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
• dieting issues (either weight gain or loss due to lack of appetite or huge appetite.
• Low sex drive
•  Memory difficulties
• Difficulty in making decisions
• Loss of energy and drive
• Lack of sleep or sleeping too much
• Anxiety
• Increase in purposeless situations
• Feeling worthless or guilty.
• Addiction to alcohol, drugs,sex,food
• Thoughts of death and suicide.

-Medical conditions include
• Thyroid problems
• Diarrhea
• Excessive vomiting
• Brain tumor
• Back ache
• Vitamin deficiency
• Raised Blood pressure etc.


 Depression can be caused by the following factors however,some risk factors can predispose one to depression and they  include;

• loss of a loved one
• loss of job
• ending a relationship
• poverty
• personalities with low self esteem
• traumatic events like sexual abuse,domestic violence
• chronic illness
• alcoholism
• inherited traits eg bipolar disorders
• differences in certain chemicals in the brain
• hormones ( some weeks postpartum;after delivery)
•some medications like anti hypertensive drugs etc.


• Excess weight loss or obesity
• Heart diseases
• Diabetes
• Pain
• Alcohol or drug misuse
• Anxiety, panic disorder or social phobia
• Family conflicts
• Relationship conflicts
• Suicide attempts or suicide
• Social isolation
• Loss of job due to poor performance.
• Self mutilation such as  cutting
• Premature death from medical conditions.

Before I proceed to management and coping skills/mechanisms let me highlight something about grief

Grief is a more serious form of depression. Its natural and unique to individuals depending on their interpretation and understanding.
Here's how to differentiate from grief and depression.

Grief involves intense sadness,self esteem is usually  maintained, painful feelings often intermixed with positive memories of the deceased,it may take quite some time to heal. Grief has stages according to Cubler Ross; and its

- Denial
- Bargain

In denial stage, the person rejects situations or the ugly occurrence maybe diagnosis of a terminal illness or death of a loved one. They say things like "its not true".

In anger stage they feel it can't or shouldn't be,they shouldn't have such befalling them. And say things "like why me"? "Why Is this happening to me"?

In bargaining stage they begin to negotiate,they say things like "if I am given a second chance such occurrence will not take place again"! "If I am healed,I'll serve God all my life" etc

When they see its reality they  become depressed which is the next stage. At this stage they loose interest in a lot of activities, neglect pleasure and  leisure.

Acceptance is the last stage,here the client has or is ready to accept what has happened and is ready to seek and accept help.

While depression presents with low  interest, and decreased pleasure for about two weeks(if it exceeds help should be sought), feelings of worthlessness and self pity are common,and many more.
I did this briefly so that you know where you fit in and how to differentiate and  help those you know that are pass grief.


Let me start with grief,if the client is still in the first four stages of grief,then no help can be sought or rendered.

When the person is denying the fact,constantly re-echo it in a loving but firm manner.

When they are in anger phase or stage, do not shout at them,pay careful attention to all they have to say and sympathize with them.

When they bargain, don't rebuke them but firmly reassure them.

When they get to the depressive state,help to reassure, do not leave them alone,this helps them progress to the next stage called acceptance of which healing both emotionally, psychologically, physically, spiritual can take place.

Medical management of depression
• diagnostic evaluation including interview and possibly physical examination.
• some laboratory test can be done
• some medications can be prescribed if need be and compliance is important
• psychotherapy or talk therapy is used either alongside medications or alone,depending on the level of depression.
• electroconvulsive therapy maybe used for severe depressive cases.

• Take steps to control stress.
• Regular exercise
• Getting quality sleep.
• Eating healthy
• Avoiding alcohol and drugs.
• Reach out to family and friends
• Go out on dates,picnics, seminars.
• Be nice to people that come around you and sincerely love you.
• Feel free to share your problems with friends that care, and allow them to help you in any way possible.
• Accept the condition,accept treatment, when you're still in the depressive state,you can't get help,and even the treatment regimen may not be working.
• When you have people criticise you negatively, don't let it ear you up to the point of depression.

Don't contemplate suicide, its not the best option, you don't own  your life so you shouldn't take it,secondly you will leave a lot of people in trauma and pain mostly those that are looking up to you as their role models and your loved ones .

You can inbox me if you need some one to talk to on karenthompson4christ@gmail.com.

Please endeavor to tell people about the blog. You don't know who needs this information.

I love you!!!!!!!!!!!


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