Health Benefits Of Sharing A Bed With Some One You Love!

Sleep is an important part of our lives. We need it to revive our memory, to give us energy, to boost immunity. It also enhances beauty, and regulates our weight.

Researchers have suggested that sharing a bed with someone you love has wonderful benefits. Yes it does! Despite the snores, blanket hogging, unintended kicking and series of nocturnal disturbances.....

But I suggest that this post, write up is for married couples. If your not married,please just read and absorb.

Here are some of the benefits;

1. It helps you sleep faster.
 Sleeping with someone you love    gives you  that sense of security. This  helps your body to relax, and in few  minutes your fast asleep. When  you're  alone, its the opposite. Your  brain  becomes active, your mind  begins to  wander and you begins to  over think.

2. It lessens your stress level.
  "Cortisol levels drop when you're    sharing a bed with someone you  love". Andrea Petterson ( wall street  journal ). 'Cortisol is a hormone that is responsible for our alertness'. The body releases oxytocin  which is known as the 'love  hormone' that eases anxiety.  Reduced stress levels also reduces  the risk of developing heart diseases,  cancers and some other terminal  diseases.

3. It reduces inflammation.
 " level of cytokines ( which causes  inflammation and pain ) reduces  when you're sleeping with a loved  one " Andrea Petterson.
 Who needs a pain reliever when you  have a cuddle therapy from a cute  cuddle bear?

4. It lowers blood pressure.
 When oxytocin is released regularly  from hugs and cuddles on bed by a  loved one,it reduces blood pressure  to the lowest. No need for  medications.

5. It provides and promotes ideal    sleeping conditions.
 The warmth of a person sleeping  close to you keeps your body warm  during cold conditions. This provides  a suitable temperature to be able to  sleep relaxed in.

6. Quality sleep is guaranteed.
 Sleep is good but the quality matters  a lot. When you have a perfect  sleeping condition,with some one  you love sleeping next to you,you  have quality sleep. Quality sleep  energies you. You can't wake up with  a headache, body pain or a cranky  mood.

7. It improve your immunity.
   Sharing a bed with someone you  love, can sometimes lead to love  making. Regular intimacy in bed  gives one a high immunity.

8. It slows down aging.
 Sharing a bed with some one you  love,having quality sleep  regularly,having regular cuddles and  love making can make you look  10years younger.

9. You become each other's time.    keeper.
   When you fall asleep almost the    same time, you wake up almost the same time too.

10. It improves and strengthens your          love life.
 Relationship gets stronger, partners  know each other better and grow  fond of each other when they cuddle  and get physical often.

Let  those who have the opportunity to share a bed with a loved one go ahead and do so. These benefits are real!


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