Some healthy fruits and plants parts that are harmful to us

Hello every one! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I am back now. How are you all doing? Yes fruits,veggies and some plants are so nutritious and delicious too! But do you know that some parts are so harmful? Let me list a few. • The stem of tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, balladonna which belongs to the nightshade family. They contain solanine, an alkaloid compound which when taken in large doses can lead to hallucinations, sometimes paralysis and even death.! So run away when you see them and keep them away from children. • Nutmeg. This is an ingredient that so many people can't do without....... They use it to Cook, bake,and even coffee. Its medicinal, it eases muscle pain, tooth ache and mild muscle spasms. But when taken in large doses can be harmful. It could lead to hallucinations and eventually psychosis. • Seeds of apricot, cherries, plums,peaches. They are highly poisonous. They contain amygdalin,which breaks down to form h...